Cedric Vanza

Reveal the story behind your data.

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I am an enthusiastic data analyst and visualization designer with a passion for recording, interpreting and analyzing data in a fast-paced environment.







Machine Learning

More about Me

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My name is Cedric Vanza and this is my Portfolio webpage.
Thank you for visiting!
I am a Data Analyst, an efficient and reliable professional with experience in data source projects and excellent track record transforming data into results.
You may consider checking the projects listed here by clicking on the menu Projects above or just scrolling down the page.
My resume is available on the menu above as well.
Once more, I would like to thank you for visiting this portfolio.

Technologies I use:

Python, R, SQL, NoSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Git, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JSON, Plotly, D3, Tableau, PySpark

Recent Projects

These are just a few of the projects I have collaborated on.

Austin Driver Score Predictor

This project used ETL techniques and Python Scikit-Learn to analyze Austin car crash data from 2018 to 2020 and created an interactive dashboard using a Random Forest Classifier algorithm to predict a driver score from user's features.

Code Live Demo Tableau Dashboard

Belly Button Biodiversity

This project focuses on building an interactive dashboard to visualize the bacterial species living in the navel of candidates of a research about meat protein synthesis from human bacteria.

Code Live Demo

TensorFlow Image Classification

This project builds a TensorFlow Neural Network to analyze hand-written digit images and predict the digit or the class of the input image.


Neural Network Charity Analysis

This project uses TensorFlow and deep learning neural networks to analyze and classify the success of charitable donations.


Mapping Earthquakes

The objective of this project is to gather earthquake GeoJSON data from the USGS API, create and explore interactive maps of earthquakes around the world.

Code Live Demo


This project focuses on building a dynamic webpage that accepts user inputs and adjusts accordingly to display information about UFO sightings.
In order to perform their analysis, users will be able to filter the UFO sightings table based on multiple criteria such as the event date, city, state, country and shape.

Code Live Demo


This project uses unsupervised machine learning, PCA algorithm, and K-Means clustering to analyze and classify a database of cryptocurrencies.



Analysis of New York Citi Bike data, using data visualization tools to explore the viability of a bike-sharing business in Des Moines, IA.

Code Live Demo

PyBer Analysis

Analyze and visualize PyBer 2019 ride-sharing data using Python, Pandas and Matplotlib, to help the company improve access to ride-sharing services and determine affordability for underserved neighborhoods.


MechaCar Statistical Analysis

R programming language, statistics and hypothesis testing to analyze a series of datasets from the automotive industry.


Amazon Vine Analysis

This project analyzes Amazon Vine program and determines if there is a bias toward favorable reviews from Vine members. The analysis uses PySpark to perform the ETL process to extract the dataset, transform the data, connect to an AWS RDS instance, load the transformed data into pgAdmin and calculate different metrics.


Credit Risk Analysis

This project builds and evaluates several machine learning algorithms to predict credit risk.



The University of Texas at Austin

Data Analysis and Visualization Certificate | Jul 2020 - Jan 2021

Superior School of Electricity (SUPELEC), Paris, France

M. Sc. Eng. Higher Education, Electronic Communications

Superior School of Electricity (SUPELEC), Paris, France

B.S. Engineering

I'm available for work.

Actively contributing to new projects and seeking a full-time role in a fast-paced environment. Get in touch!

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